When building a subwoofer enclosure for an aftermarket car audio system in a truck we need to make use of a minimal amount of space. This makes the design of the subwoofer enclosure for this application very important. In this video I take you through one of my designs step-by-step to show the design process and what I came up with for this four 10" subwoofer system.
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Want the PDF of this design? Get it here: https://www.caraudiofabrication.com/product-page/f0011-jl-audio-4x-10tw1-1-40-cubic-ft-sealed
Need a custom blueprint design? https://www.caraudiofabrication.com/box-designs
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- Ported Downfiring Subwoofer Build: https://bit.ly/CAFdownfire
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- SEMA F150 Subwoofer Box Build: https://bit.ly/CAFf150
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